Homecheck Mining and Subsidence Report
High profile media coverage of subsidence-affected properties over the summer of 2007 has offered a timely reminder of the importance of “Ground Stability”. The effects of global warming and continued low rainfall have led to a dramatic rise in subsidence cases across the United Kingdom.
Cavernous holes have opened up on leafy suburban streets as previously unknown mines have been discovered.
Ground stability issues are by no means now limited to the ‘traditional’ mining areas.
The Homecheck Mining & Subsidence Report (formerly known as the Homecheck Ground Stability Report) represents the first widely available report covering all mineral mining in England and Wales in one report. The report is the first to screen for an extensive range of mineral mining and causes of ground instability: this is a significant enhancement to any other Ground Stability information on the market and offers a valuable screening tool to verify potential risks.
The Homecheck Mining & Subsidence Report is available for only £30 plus VAT
The full range of datasets is as follows:
- Sites within an area of recorded mining activity (all minerals);
- Sites within an area where a Coal Authority report should be obtained;
- Potential instability from past or current shallow mining;
- Natural or mining-related cavities;
- Local Authority Plans;
- British Geological Survey (BGS) recorded mineral sites;
- BGS Boreholes;
- Past mining or quarrying features (from historical Ordnance Survey mapping);
- Brine and Salt extraction – including Cheshire, Staffordshire & Droitwich;
- Landfill sites, past and current;
- Waste treatment/transfer sites;
- Potentially in-filled land;
- Collapsible or compressible ground stability hazards (ground that is prone to compression or collapse when a load is applied, such as a building of a new house or structure);
- Ground dissolution stability hazards (subsidence caused by the dissolving of soluble rocks giving rise to cavities and subsidence is most commonly associated with salt and gypsum deposits, but a significant number of claims have related to houses built over chalk and limestone bedrock);
- Landslide stability hazards (occur in certain conditions and depend on the geology, angle of slope, drainage, rainfall and a change in the drainage pattern);
- Running sand stability hazards (these are sands that can flow into a void due to water pressure and cause collapse);
- Shrinking/swelling clay stability hazards (clay rich soils can shrink or swell with seasonal weather changes, causing ground movement; movement can also occur in these soils from both the planting and removal of trees or leaks from water pipes or drains)
…And an overall assessment, based on the data within the report, is provided as to whether or not the property is likely to be affected by mining and subsidence issues in general.
Click here for a sample Mining & Subsidence Report.
Click here for the Mining & Subsidence Product Card